MNsure program

Minnesota’s MNsure derived from the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which became law in March 2010. The ACA called for the establishment of a federal health insurance marketplace and gave states the option to create their own. Minnesota chose to further advance its health care system by building MNsure, a Minnesota-made health insurance marketplace, where Minnesotans can shop, compare, and choose health insurance coverage that meets their needs.

MNsure contracts with local Minnesota navigator agencies. Organizations that serve as navigators/in-person assisters are contracted to provide individuals and families with free assistance to help them achieve successful enrollments into health coverage through the MNsure marketplace, attempt to provide assistance to any consumer who contacts them for help, have certified navigators listed on the MNsure Assister Directory, and comply with MNsure’s data privacy and security standards and conflict of interest disclosure requirements organizations are formally contracted partners with MNsure and are not insurance agents or brokers.

Our agency offers free application assistance over the phone, virtual, and in-person to all Minnesotans regardless of their geographic location. Our certified navigators are trained and certified to provide great customer services in assisting consumers with MNsure health care applications and renewals and insulin affordability for the Minnesotans who are struggling to afford their insulin. Metropolis Health navigators speak several languages including Somali, English, and French and they are ready to assist Minnesotans in their preferred languages.


_ Free MNsure enrollments

_ Free MNsure applications assistance

_ Free MNsure renewal applications assistance

_ Free Insulin affordability applications assistance

We are available year-round excluding national holidays. Our Columbia Heights office provides convenient walk-in navigator services weekdays from 9AM to 5PM. We also offer appointment-based assistance, you may contact us or use the link below to schedule your appointment.

Contact us:

Tel: (612) 601-8883



Schedule Your Appointment right now

Our experts are here to assist you throughout the whole process free of charge!

“Metropolis was very helpful! I highly recommend them”

John Doe

"Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum."

Jane Smith, CEO of Monarch Inc.

"Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum."

Jane Smith, CEO of Monarch Inc.


4111 Central Ave NE, Suite 210-C

Columbia Heights, Minnesota 55421


(612) 601-8883

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